Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A couple funny stories from the mouth of a 6 year old.

On the way home from dropping Walker off at preschool Raegan was reading one of his dinosaur books.  We were talking about how funny looking some of them were and I commented, "I am sure glad those dinosaurs aren't around anymore."  She asked what I meant and I said they were all dead, they were not in this world anymore.  Of course the inquisitive little girl I have couldn't leave it at that and before you know it I was trying to explain cavemen and The Ice Age.  And we weren't even half way home!  Just when I thought I had satisfied her curious little brain...she asked me if there are two God's.  I had no idea where she was headed with this one so I took the bait. 
"No, I believe there is just one."   
"Well isn't there one for animals and one for people?" 
"Well is there two heaven's?  One for animals and one for people?"
"No, they all go to the same place."
"Well what about Grandma Dorothy.  Isn't she scared?
"Scared of what?"
"All those dinosaurs."
Geez, why isn't there a book somewhere that I can reference when things like this come up!  Should I have said all the scary animals go to a different place?  Because as soon as I said all the animals go to the same place, she was worried about the tigers and lions being up there with the kitties and puppies.  The other thing I found so sweet about this was that she never got the opportunity to meet Grandma Dorothy.  She died several years before she was born and yet she was as concerned as if it were someone she knew very well.  So sweet.

Another funny moment was the other day when I told Raegan it was naptime.  She can't help herself...whenever it is naptime she has to tell me how much she doesn't like nap.  Somedays to avoid some drama I cut her off before she can get in a word edwise. I say, "It's time for nap and yes I know you don't like naps."   That day I forgot...
She gave me the biggest groan and said, "I wish I was 18."  I smiled very big and said, "Well I guess that means you are ready to move out too."  She quickly replied, "Well maybe 16 then."
If she only knew how much I dread the thought of a 14-16 year old hormonal teenage girl....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi Rae Shae! i imagine you and Grandma Dorothy visit during your dream time. i'm glad. i know she has much to share with you and you with her.