Wednesday, September 3, 2008

No looking back!

I don't know where the time has gone...but I found myself at the bus stop Wednesday morning with a big girl that was off to Kindergarten without the slightest bit of hesitation. She has been excited for Kindergarten since preschool last year and would grin from ear to ear at the mere thought of being able to skip nap on school days! She has for the most part always loved going to school. There were very few days that I had to talk her into going to preschool...hopefully this will be a trend that follows for years to come. Walker on the other hand I think will be a completely different story :) One of her favorite things to do last year (especially in the spring) was to play school. She has a big chalkboard, a teacher's pointer, a basket of school supplies, books, flashcards and anything else she could possibily construe as school related is in that basket. She would come home from preschool and almost immediately go into the playroom and set up class. If I asked her about her day she would tell me a few highlights and that was it. If I wanted to know about the rest of the day all I had to do was sit outside the door (because if I wasn't a student I wasn't allowed in the classroom)and listen to her reenact the day. During the summer months class has not been in session in the playroom...until Wednesday night. We played outside after she got off the bus but as soon as we were in for the evening class was back in session with at least one eagar 14 month old student. At bedtime she also gave me the play by play...literally. She said, "Maybe if I start from the beginning of the day I will remember more". She started at getting off the bus and meeting Mrs. Pizano who was carrying a clipboard, walking to the classroom and hanging up her backpack on the hook, sitting by her friend Josie....and she went on and on and on. A good day for sure! I can only hope she always wants to talk to me and tell me how her day was... so I didn't stop her. As she drifted off in mid sentence while I was scratching her back I remembered bringing my first baby home from the hospital. Completely oblivious, elated and with an overwhelming feeling that she would change my life. Well.. she has. And I have a feeling she has enough of it bottled up for the rest of the world too!


Anonymous said...

What a big girl my niece has become. Both Mark and I hope that your first day at school was a special and memorable day. I loved hearing about it. Be sure to keep me up to date on big things that happen at school. Don't be afraid to call me!

Lincoln LD Learning Lab said...

remember when your mom went to school. how you have grown hope to hear from you soon love ya grandpa